Quality Assurance is more than simply trying out the software to make sure it works. Rather, it is guaranteeing the integrity of your mission critical business systems. Comprehensive, controlled testing requires careful planning, a controlled environment, measurable and repeatable test criteria, and the latest advances in automated scripting techniques. From load testing to end-to-end integration testing we're experts at ensuring that your mission critical systems perform as expected
Test Planning & Management
Quality Assurance is the most overlooked and underestimated phase of the software development lifecycle, yet it is arguably the most important. The idea that Quality Assurance is the last rubberstamp on an application prior to delivery is long dead; effective QA has to begin on the first day of the project.
Study after study has proven that effective QA is one of the best ways to accelerate ROI on software development projects. Agileteksys can show you how. From requirements analysis through test planning, unit test, integration and system test, regression and load test, defect tracking, version management and ultimately post-production support, Agileteksys can help you to structure a QA program that will pay for itself many times over.