Many changes fail simply because they are poorly designed from the beginning. We can work with you to ensure your change implementation is successful. While you wouldn’t use all of the methods described above, we help you focus on which methods will be critical factors in your organization that will result in the least amount of time, effort and resources to implement your plan.
Our methods include:
- All of the impacted and involved employees in the change must share a common understanding of the changes need.
- Understanding the organization so we can address competing resources and deal with historical failures.
- Understanding the organization so we can address competing resources and deal with historical failures.
- Strong Sponsorship is the single most important factor to implementation success. We’ll help you identify and coach sponsors in their role.
- Resistance will occur in every change effort implemented. What we do is help you identify and manage the resistance during the change process.
- Changes planned that are counter-culture will have a difficult time and will need more support to ensure success. Building change agents inside your organization is consistent with MTM Performance Solutions values of transferring skills to the client.
- Reinforcement and Communication Planning are both critical to each and every change effort regardless of size. Unless you align reinforcement of the new behaviours you want within the organization, the old culture will win. Communication or lack thereof has been blamed for many change implementation failures.